Morning lovelies,
I say holiday dates, most aren't holiday at all as I'll be teaching! But I just wanted to give you all an update with upcoming classes and how some may be effected by my 'time off!'.
Saturdays are most likely the ones effected as Festivals fall on the weekends, please find dates as follows:
May 14th - No Rise & Shine 9am
Well Wishing Wellbeing Festival 10am start (Ill be there with my jewellery stall)
May 21st - No Rise & Shine 9am (Im teaching at a private event!)
Outdoor Yoga class 1.00-2.30pm
May 29th - 2nd June - HOLIDAY
June 3-5th - No Rise & Shine 9am
BURNING WOMAN FESTIVAL - Sunday 5th Rewilding Yoga Dance 3.00-4.00pm
June 11th - No Rise & Shine 9am
Orbit Fitness Festival - Saturday 10am Power Pilates
Sunday 11am Wild Power Yoga Flow
June 30th-7th July HOLIDAY
Id love to do a live online class one evening so ill keep you posted about it!
July 30th - No Rise & Shine 9am (or Friday evening class)
August 20th - No Rise & Shine 9am
August ill be taking time off at some point for long holidays but haven't planned that far ahead, for once! Ill keep you updated as soon as I can.
Thank you ALL so much for your love, your support and your attendance, you are amazing!
Im very excited at the concept of having time off this year after teaching non-stop through lockdown, Im in desperate need of a holiday away to my favourite island of Kefalonia. Needs must!
V x