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Opening the door to the truth with the full supermoon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.

Updated: May 27, 2021

The story of the Stella Stars is a complex one but holds so much guidance and wisdom for us all. Granted we don’t need to listen to the insight of the goddess in the celestial sky to live our lives the way we choose, but it is important to know that with a deeper understanding of how these energies impact us here on Earth we can learn to dance in harmony with them and embody there magic.

At 12.13pm GMT we enter into the magic of the eclipse portal with the full supermoon lunar eclipse at 5 degrees of Sagittarius. This year’s astrological eclipse season is beginning and will continue throughout 2021. Eclipses hold much magic and can bring the potential for instant manifestation. They enable us to see old patterns and beliefs and be aware of our limitations so that we are able to transcend these and begin again. With the eclipse occurring at the time of a full super lunar phase everything that has kept us from being able to progress will now be fully highlighted. This will bring us a ‘aha’ moment and offers us the choice (Sun in Gemini), to release these old restrictive patterns (Saturn retrograde in Aquarius). There is much mutable energy with many of the planetary goddesses sitting within mutable signs during this event and this will also provide a possibility of change and transition for us all.

Sagittarius is a sign of freedom, adventure, learning, expansion and the truth and justice. She is the Archeress who points her arrow of divine conscious honesty in the direction we need to travel to enable us to achieve our goals. She will now be supporting the truth to be revealed by shinning her light of sincerity so that we can see exactly what is needed to move forward on our path.

During this full lunar light and the eclipse, a T square is formed with the planetary goddess Jupiter who is resting at 1 degree of Pisces. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and in the sign of the celestial fish she guides us to draw from the power of imagination and dreams in order to support us to expand and grow. Jupiter is a planet of manifestation, abundance, truth and freedom she takes us to the higher realms so that we can enlighten our soul to spiritual truth. Ask yourself; what are your dreams? What is it that you need in order to release old patterns and work towards your goals? How can you connect to your higher consciousness and embody her light?

Practises to support you integrate these energies:

• It’s really helpful to look at your own natal chart to bring awareness of how these energies are playing out for you personally. To do this this firstly look at what planets (if any) are sitting on or around 5 degrees of Sagittarius and then look at which astrological house is ruled by that sign. You may also want to look at your Gemini house and see if you have any planets on or around 5 degrees of that sign. This will bring you some insight into the area of your life this energy will impact and present some wisdom you can follow to support your journey into expansion.

• Jupiter calls us to take time in ritual to work with what is needed to be released and do this with the intention that everything you are doing is for your highest good. She guides us to our spiritual connection so make sure that you allow time to connect in whatever way suits you best. Whether that be meditation, movement, breath work, sound healing etc.

• Sagittarius links to thighs, hips , sciatic nerve and pituitary gland. Working with any movement practises that allow awareness and connection in these areas will support you to embody the current energies. I will be sharing a movement practise in my well wishing celestial session tomorrow evening (27th May 2021) for anyone that feels called to work with embodiment of the stella stars.

Full moon goddess invocation

Goddess of the sacred bow and arrow I call to thee,

Show me my truth and set me free.

Bring me your wisdom, guidance and light,

So that I may fulfil my divine sight.

This is my interpretation of the current story of the stella stars and the medicine you may want to use to support your journey as you walk this life path. If you feel you need further support and guidance I welcome you to contact me.

Sending blessings of the stella stars and well wishes for the full moon lunar eclipse

Rebecca Yoga Fae Star Priestess xxx


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