Day 30 of the #wildlove30days yoga challenge! You are amazing!!
You have completed the 30 day yoga challenge with Wildlove Yoga, you should be proud of your commitment to practicing each day, reading a little insight and taking the time out to be within your body. Even if you have played catch up you have still completed it, your way, at your pace. Thats what yoga is all about! The final day is an opportunity for you to practice a posture that you love, it might be something within the 30 days you have worked through or it might be a posture you know and love well. I would love you to make this final step in trusting your intuition and be guided by what you feel you want to explore.
You could also do a flow through day 1-29! To much?! To each and everyone of you who has practiced daily, has shared feedback, has shared their photos you are amazing! I will be getting in touch with the winner tomorrow evening. If you want to play catch up with postures and posts now is the time to get sharing!
I hope that by practicing a pose a day helps you get back into your body, helps you to move in a different way, gives you a moment to pause. I hope it encourages you to do what you can, take what you want, leave what you don't. I hope it gives a chance to connect to the qualities of acceptance & patience knowing that everytime you practice a pose (one you know or aren't familiar with), youll always notice its different.
Thank you for being here,
Sending you all love,
V x
 #yogalife #yogalove #yogapractice #yogalive #yogaflow #keeppracticing #loveyoga #vinyasa #meditation #gratitude #yogauk #yogateacher #yogacommunity #yogainspiration #vinyasaflow #yogaworcestershire #yoga #onlineyoga #30dayyogachallenge #yogaclasses #yogaposes #yogapostures #yogajournal