A seriously simple and light dish that will keep you coming back for more, wonderful hot and cold and great for spring/summer days. Always remember, keep it simple and allow the natural flavours to enhance the dish, buy fresh and where you can buy organic! In this recipe you're getting a pesto pasta dish but you can actually use the 'separate' little dips for other things to! The white cabbage and mint topping works SO well in Buddha bowls, mix it up and enjoy!
Wild garlic PESTO:
Handful wild garlic
Handful baby spinach
5-6 leaves basil
3 tbsp pine nuts
1/2 lemon squeezed
3-4 tbsp rapeseed oil
Pink himalayan salt, cracked black pepper
White cabbage & mint TOPPING:
3 thin slices white cabbage - shredded
1 tsp mint sauce
1 spring onion
small slices cucumber
1 tsp pumpkin seeds
1 tsp sunflower seeds
Drizzle of Yuzu Ponzu (if you have it).
Pasta of your choosing for two servings!
Bring your pasta to the boil and cook for your designated time, you will easily get your pesto and topping mix ready by the time the pasta is cooked!
Wash the spinach, wild garlic leaves and basil and place in a food processor, add the pine nuts, squeezed half a lemon and 3tbsp of rapeseed oil. Blend, this might take a while so let it rest, mix around, and reblend. You can always add a little more oil to loosen the mix, find a 'pesto' consistency!
Scoop out the blended ingredients and add them to a small bowl, add your salt and pepper to taste.
Once your pasta is cooked we simply stir the pesto mix through the pasta! Of course you have the option to add your favourite cheese if you wanted to.
This is super simple and so tasty! Finely slice white cabbage and place in a clean bowl.
Add the small chopped cucumber (I slice it into baby quarters) and chop the spring onion. Stir into the cabbage.
Stir in 1 tsp of mint sauce and add the pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
You may want to add a little salt and pepper but taste it and see!
I've added a drizzle of Yuzu Ponzu which is a citrusy base sauce but a squeeze of lemon will probably work too!
Add the topping to the pasta base and you're good to go! As mentioned above you might want to add a few flakes of your favourite cheese but it is amazing without it!
V x