Happy World Sleep day, I’m still here. If you know me well you know I love my sleep, 12 hours and naps was a regular thing, especially when Gus was a baby. We have both outgrown the habit of falling asleep anywhere but if I’m not teaching, out in the wilderness, cooking you will probably find me in bed! It’s almost as if my bedtime routine lasts hours before sleep time, long showers, yoga, meditation, reading, writing and acupressure mats. We spend time without technology before we sleep, we talk, we laugh and we just often rest in silence. What sleep habits do you have? How many hours of sleep do you need to function? Are you getting the most out of your day to nod off at night? Is stress and anxiety hindering your chances of deeply resting? Could you tweak your routine a little?
Not only does yoga bring strength and flexibility to the body and mind it has an incredible way of regulating the systems of the body, respiratory being one of them. When we take the time to consciously connect to the breath we can trigger the parasympathetic (rest&digest) nervous system, it allows us to feel calm and relaxed throughout practice and within our daily lives.
You’re invited to come and join me for classes anytime and let’s help improve those sleep patterns. In particular Yin will help your body relax, your mind settle and you feel in another world after class has ended!
Last class of the week: SATURDAY 10.00-11.00am Rise & Shine Yoga