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12 Days of Yoga

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

A special offer as we count down the 12 days to Christmas!

12 Days of yoga for £12?! You bet!

As a little gift to you, and to help you stay inspired over one of the busiest times of year.

Starting on the 12th December you're invited to join me exploring a self care yoga practice.

Upon booking you will receive a personal link to a private facebook group. This is where all the videos will be uploaded. All held in a personal space that yourself and other participants that have booked the package can access anytime.

Each day a new video will be uploaded that you can join in LIVE or watch back at your own pace, in your own time.

To keep the commitment easy the videos vary from 5 -30 minute sessions. Walking you through simple breathing techniques, specific practices to release the shoulders and upper back. Explore balancing flows, build strength and learn to relax!!! Spending 5-30 minutes a day for 12 days helps you kick start a routine, feel great for moving your body, feel great for finding time for yourself and make the most of a commitment. Over the Christmas period, don't feel bad for indulging, don't feel bad for enjoying yourself! Notice your triggers, notice how you can incorporate your yoga practice into your daily lives. It's all about balance. Healthy body, healthy mind.

Commit to things that make you feel good!!

That's the best present you can ever give yourself!! All sessions from the 12-24th are available to watch until Dec 24th.

After booking you will receive an email with more information on the sessions you will be enjoying! You will have access to the facebook group in which you need to join to attend your sessions.

The first video will uploaded on the 12.12.20 at 12pm.


If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch!!

Happy Christmas!


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