Happy Half term my loves,
I hope you have all enjoyed the weekend, even in this intense weather we have been having! I have had a lovely time with my boy, creating, cooking, playing and celebrating my sister in laws and dads birthdays. It has been nice to be with family and get out the house!
Its early nights for myself and Gus this week as we maintain our routine even though we aren't doing the school run. Structure gives us freedom and with me still teaching all week I have to be on top of meals and all things 'mum'! Im so lucky I can spend my days with him and we will be making the most of our time together!
This weeks updates:
MONDAY - Classes at the studio are now FULL CAPACITY, last week we had a tech issue on the booking system, its now resolved so come and join me tomorrow afternoon!
FRIDAY - Im sharing my FIRST YIN & YOGA NIDRA SESSION 9.00-9.45pm, perfect to destress and wind down for the week, its a slow practice and will be perfect just before sleeping. You are welcome to practice this IN BED. Yep, it's that relaxing!
SATURDAY - Myself & Faith are leading our second Yoga Posture workshop and its all about the hips, the place where all of our postures reside, come and learn alignment, anatomy and how to modify poses to make them your own!
This weeks classes:
Pilates 12.10-1.10pm (Studio)
Gentle Flow Yoga 1.15-2.15pm (Studio)
🌿 Yin/Relaxation Yoga 8.15-9.15pm (Online)
Pilates Intermediate 1.30-2.30pm (Studio)
Relaxation Yoga 2.45-3.45 (Studio)
🌿Power Flow Yoga 8.00-9.00pm (Online)
Wild Power Yoga 8.15-9.15pm (Studio)
🌿Pilates 7.00-7.45pm (Online)
Power Pilates 8.00-9.00pm (Studio)
Yoga For All 11.30-12.30pm (Studio)
Power Yoga 7.30-8.30pm (Studio)
Yin & Yoga Nidra 9.00-10.00pm (Monthly)
🌿Rise & Shine Yoga 9.00-10.00am (Online)
Yoga Posture Workshop/Hips - Feb 26th - 11.00-2.00pm
It will be lovely to connect with you this week and Im looking forward to sharing new sequences and intentions with you,
Stay safe,
V x