You are invited to an uplifting and intuitive yoga workshop, led by Victoria & Shasha you will be guided to reconnect, honour self love practices, feel into your self worth and inner power. Learn to live a more vibrant life, enjoy philosophies of goddess energies, be encouraged to move from a place of intuition and creativity.
Our Goddess Beltane workshop honours Life! Beltane represents the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with vibrance and energy, you too can do the same!
What to expect within the session:
+Enjoy Myofascial release for the neck, shoulders, upper back and heart. An area within the body that is delicate and sometimes emotionally hardened from stress in life. With simple and effective techniques we can unlock our outer shell, reduce tension headaches, sore upper backs and soften the heart. Honestly, you will have never felt anything quite like it!
+ Move through a beautiful intuitive yoga sequence led by Shasha, opening the body, celebrating the uplifting energies of Spring into summer.
+ Closing the practice you will enjoy Guasha, A traditional chinese self care practice that is centuries old. Enjoy gentle facial massage to stimulate the muscles within the face, it relaxes stiff muscles, tones and uplifts, aids lymph drainage and can help promote circulation. We use a flat jade tool (within your gift box!) to glide and smooth the skin, you will fall in love with this practice and its calming effects pretty quickly!
+ Token gifts, a little self love gift box will await your arrival!
Saturday 7th May 6.00-8.00pm £20 per person (NHS Discount does not apply)
Please bring: A yoga mat. A little of your fave moisturiser. Comfortable clothing. Blanket & Cushion.
We cannot wait to share this gorgeous practice with you!
V & S x