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Homemade Stuffed Courgettes Recipe

Im excited to share this amazing recipe with you and also give a big shout out to Bells Farm Shop! On Sunday afternoon we visited the farm to see what was ready for picking, happy to know we could top up on our strawberries and grabbed some potatoes, courgettes and string beans too. Its so nice to spend an hour or so just taking time to pick and be within nature and one of the most rewarding things to to create a meal with it. So this is what we created!

Its super easy, versatile and is even better the day after!


x4/5 cloves of garlic

1 tsp cumin seeds

Olive oil + Pumpkin seed oil (optional)

x1 tin plum tomatoes

x1 vegetable stock cube

x5 tiny potatoes

x7 string beans chopped

x2 large courgettes

x2 bay leaves

  1. Wash all your veggies and let them soak in fresh water with a splash of apple cider vinegar.

  2. One washed let drain and dry on the side or pat with a tea towel.

  3. Heat a large drizzle of olive oil in a large saucepan.

  4. Keep the heat as low as possible and add the cloves of garlic, the smaller the better (We grate ours).

  5. With the garlic add the cumin seeds.

  6. Maintain on a low heat until it sweats and then add the tin of plum tomatoes.

  7. Add bay leaves.

  8. Stir through and then add the finely chopped string beans + tiny cubed potato.

  9. Leave on the low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, if it looks like it needs a little more water, add some!

  10. Add the stock cube and cook until the potatoes are soft. This is a great time to preheat the oven to 150.

  11. While the 'stew' cooks you can prep your courgettes.

  12. Chop them in half and lattice cut the middle, scoop out the middle and add to the saucepan with the other ingredients.

  13. Once scooped out sprinkle salt all over the courgettes and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse and pat dry.

  14. Place the courgettes in a deep baking tray, sometimes there might be to much filling so its nice to fill all the sides!

  15. Once your 'stew' has thickened take out the bay leaves and fill the courgettes!

  16. If you have lots of stew left over pour it down the sides of the courgettes, its so tasty baked!

17. Once the courgettes are filled, drizzle them with olive oil and place in the oven.

18. As you know Im a throw in and see what happens kinda gal so I never actually time anything! Bake for an hour until the courgettes are soft. Keep checking as to not burn, you could also cover with foil for the first 30 minutes.

19. Once cooked you can enjoy with a sprinkle of feta cheese (SO GOOD!). We have dished ours up with homemade houmous (recipe incoming), beetroot and cucumber salad and handpicked fresh lettuce leaves with a big ole squeeze of lemon.

+ Added extras -

- You can always sprinkle with pine nuts for an extra crunch.

- Feta cheese or some hard parmesan shavings are gorgeous too.

- Nutritional yeast is an amazing alternative to cheese, we use it a lot!

- It tastes even better the day after.

- Stuffed courgettes are gorgeous but this would also worked with big peppers too!

We hope you enjoy this recipe and if you recreate it don't forget to take a photo and tag us!

Lots of love,


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