Tuesdays we get a midday chance to reset and an evening of creating balance. Come and enjoy a 45 minute Gentle Express Yoga Practice 12.15-1.00pm that helps us reconnect to our bodies and minds, It's like a warm hug of reassurance that you can just trust and rest into.
Today in Gentle Express Yoga we will explore a breathing technique that balances both sides of the brain and body, just what we all need! We find soft movements to mobilise the whole body and create a little cosy space to really release the shoulders and heart.
Tonights Yang & Yin class we will be moving deep into the heart, shoulders and throat. It's a wonderful place to explore especially as it holds so much tension. We will be using pillows/bolsters for the Yin half and trust me, it'll be a 30-30 class tonight, I feel an energy that we are already needed a deep rest!
I can't wait to see you!
V x
Will I be able to do class tonight even though I've broken my big toe? X