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Wildlove Walks - Trimpley Reservoir

Ahh I love this place, an open space that is great if you're a lover of the riverside and water. It's a perfect place to walk if you want to get some fresh air and don't want to exert yourself. There is a small downhill climb from the carpark through forest and over a train track, It's a working train track for the Severn Valley railway so the perfect spot to watch the stream trains when they are running. Be mindful to cross carefully and close the gates. Once you have crossed the train track you can enjoy a walk around the settling water (see map) which brings you around to the large fishing reservoir. It really is a gorgeous place to sit and watch the world go by!

Path visibility: Open paths and grass land around the reservoir.

Time: 1 hour

Footfall: Steady footfall from families, anglers and dog walkers. Busier on weekends.

Difficulty: Down hill walk from the carpark otherwise flat around reservoir.

Distance: 2.26 miles

You can also continue your walk through to Bewdley and Arley which we have done before! Lovely to take in the river side, when the river is low there is also a little 'beach' where you can sit. I often sit here and meditate!

Don't forget to tag #wildlovewalks on your trips out in nature, I would love to see where you are exploring.

V x


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