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Overwhelm Is Okay

Last Sunday was my first day off in two weeks and will be until this Saturday coming. It’s been a whole variety of things for the senses thse past few weeks. With the run up to Christmas I have voiced this deep unsettled feeling, with the overwhelm of gifts, the upkeep, the pace, the lights, the busyness. I personally find it to much, and only managed to voice it two years ago. Interesting to feel these mad waves of anxiety but can’t quite put your finger on it, even as a teenager. This morning we had a mindful morning, we made sushi, baked banana loaf and cooked the most beautiful roasted veg salad and caught up on lots of ‘life’ things. We then visited Bham late to see a show, I get butterflies when visiting busy places, with so many people, we don’t window shop (or shop) so it seemed pointless wandering after I’d made a decision to go an hour earlier. It’s funny to notice the environments you thrive in and what intuitively becomes a ‘nope’. The lights were pretty, but let me sit on a mountain top any day.

This is a gentle reminder that we are all beautifully unique, in what lights us up, what makes us feel supported, that we all thrive in different environments and we must seek more of it. Be gentle and kind to others, let them feel their waves and be open to listen and voice your own. We are all separate, but oh so together. 💕

Time to desensitise and find quiet to instill balance. This is what yoga teaches us. That we can feel all the waves, feel our feelings, and it’s okay.

V x


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