Hey lovely,
October comes with cooler air and cloudy sunsets, we may be excited for halloween or the end of year celebrations, we may be welcoming in the season of warmer nights and hibernating. Im definitely a hibernator and have already found myself sleepy on an afternoon, my body wants to rest more and my yoga practice has slowed down to deep Yin practices with lots of cushions to prop me up!
I have lovely workshops to share with you this month and like last month, they're early in the month to set us up with a means to continue with what we share together. This month we are going to be exploring the solar plexus, the centre of warmth, inner drive & action. Something we will all definitely benefit from if hibernation mode always resonates. We dont need to constantly work hard, sweat or even punish ourselves to get the benefit of our practice, if anything we soon realise that we can change our practice to suit our needs and with such a concept in mind you'll notice I teach seasonally. Each season our constitution changes, as does our motivation, energy and emotional needs.
Its okay to slow down, its okay to loose your 'oumph', its okay to take time out. Yoga is a practice that allows us to show up where we're at and be okay with it. Im here to guide you through tools, techniques, postures & breath work that allow you to feel more confident in your own decision making, to create healthy boundaries & to give yourself permission to rest.
Lets celebrate finding ourselves & giving ourselves permission to pause this month.

Here are the upcoming events for this month and they're sooner rather than later, so soon they are THIS WEEKEND! Myofascial is definitely one to attend if you want to learn new techniques in which you can release tension & pain in the body and gain flexibility quicker. Its Fascinating and I cannot wait to share this workshop with you!
They are beautiful cosy practices that really help us to create more of a self care routine in our day to day, they are going to be incredibly soothing for the nervous system and the perfect reset as we move towards the last half of the year. Enjoy a mix of my offerings all rolled into these specific sessions, you will soon fall in love with yoga and may it be a welcome place that always helps you to find balance.
Saturday 7th Oct -
Myofascial & Yin Yoga Workshop
The Oaks Community Hall, Harvington, Kidderminster.
£22 per person
Saturday 7th Oct -
Saturday Relaxation Yoga & Sound Bath
Arley Memorial Hall, Bewdley.
£23 per person
Sunday 8th Oct -
Self Care Sunday in the Forest
Wyre Forest Discovery Centre
£22 per person
Sunday 8th Oct -
Sunday Relaxation Yoga & Sound Bath
Areley Kings Village Hall
£23 per person
Saturday 28th Oct -
Sound Bath in the Forest
Wyre Forest Discovery Centre, Callow Hill
£15 per person (carpark fee extra)
All workshops are deeper immersions with more of a personal touch, they really give you an opportunity to delve into the realms of self care and personal development. You don't need any experience, you don't need to do yoga, you just need a little spark of curiosity that wants to help you better yourself, improve your health and wellbeing, to gain a clearer mind and to live a more fulfilling life. I promise you wont be disappointed, and maybe, just maybe, after coming to one you may feel so much better within yourself.
You can find each individual workshop details and booking information on the classes & workshops page, if you have any questions or worries please feel free to get in touch.
My small group classes return on the 10th October! Come & join me for a Flow and/or Yin class (you receive a discount code if you book the flow so you can double up on the same night) These sessions are just wonderful, set within Church house, a cosy warm room with beams and fairy lights you. canenjoy a more personal touch to your practice. I will be offering hands on adjustments, personal guidance and layers, head massages to end and essential oils to set the energy of the season into our hearts.
FLOW YOGA 6.00-7.00pm
+Be guided through a flow practice to build strength, cardio & flexibility.
+Improve focus, balance & range. of movement.
+Enjoy layered postures to suit your ability on that day.
+Be motivated to explore challenging postures.
+Warm the body through, increase energy!
YIN YOGA 7.10-8.10pm
+Yin deeply stretches the muscles & connective tissues.
+Use props for passive postures held for an extended period of time.
+Deeply restful & relaxing.
+Gain flexibility faster than any style of practice.
Bi weekly Tuesdays 6.00-7.00pm & 7.10-8.10pm
Church House, Rectory Lane, Stourport.
£10 per person
Please bring: Yoga Mat. Cushions. Blankets. Blocks (optional)
Self Care Sunday sessions are the most beautiful get togethers that help us to rebalance, reset and refresh our bodies and minds for the week ahead. These self care sessions are a staple within Victoria's offerings and even though they're only 2 hours long you will be filled up to the brim with many practices, techniques and tools to nourish your heart & soul!
Upcoming dates for the rest of the year:
Sunday 10th Sept - 11.00-1.00pm FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 8th Oct -11.00-1.00pm FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 19th Nov -11.00-1.00pm
Sunday 3rd Dec 11.00-1.00pm
+ Bookings can be made via the workshops page, all dates are on the listing.
+ Sessions are £22 per person.
+ The space is held indoors over looking the forest, disabled access & toilets available.
+ Parking is to be paid separately upon arrival, either by app (its best) or at the machine.
Be guided through a morning of yoga, meditation, self massage, face yoga, sound healing and many more magical modalities. Take away a mindful handmade gift bag with pamper treats for this month, each month you can enjoy a different lush soap, neal's yard sample, health snack & wild flower seeds, it varies!
Autumn really is in the air and a day before the Autumn equinox arrives it's time to share with you a beautiful warming drink that is great for cold nights, joint aches and pains and aids in a restful sleep.
Soya/Oat milk (No dairy is preferable as it helps to decrease mucus within the body)
1 tsp Turmeric (powdered)
1/2tsp Cinnamon (powdered)
1 pinch Ginger (powdered)
1 large tsp Manuka Honey
2 crunches of cracked Black pepper.
Find your favourite drinking mug and fill it with your choice of milk.
Place milk in a saucepan and gentle heat.
Add Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger powders and whisk.
Keep whisking and you'll find a lovely yellow hue appear.
Add the pepper and stir through.
Add the honey and whisk until melted.
Pour and serve.
+ We have opened up our home to offer personal 1:1 sessions and they are absolutely wonderful! I am offering Ayurvedic Face Massage, 1:1 Sound Healing sessions and life coaching sessions. If you would like a session please feel free to get in touch, I have flexible availability throughout the months.
1:1 Personal guidance:
Weekly or monthly sessions can be booked individually or as a package. You have full guidance and support online or in person helping you to work on personal goals, ideas and individual health & wellbeing. These are sessions tailored to you on a personal level, working with elements of home life, work life, emotional and physical factors. Enjoy sessions that help you to create a more balanced life inspired by Yoga philosophy, Ayurveda, movement practices, yoga, meditation, eft, myofascial release, sound healing and Pilates. We can work on many things, even if its just rehabilitating an injury, somethings on your mind or you need a little support creating more of a self care routine.
£45 per hour.
Personal Sound Healing Session:
Enjoy a personal sound healing session within the attic space at Victoria's home. Rest wrapped in cosy blankets upon sheep skins for warmth and drift off into a sleep state & deep relaxation. You will be guided through a gentle breathing practice to settle into the space and embark on a 45 minute sound journey with crystal singing bowls, Tibetan moon bowl, gong, chimes and tuning forks. There are no hands on adjustments or movement practices, you simply lie down and receive. Sessions are nurturing and help to calm a busy mind, anxiety and stress. They aid in deeply healing the physical & mental body as it moves the brain waves into a Delta sleep state, a state in which the body can heal itself.
£60 1 hour.
Ayurvedic Face Massage: One of the most relaxing facial massages you can ever receive, enjoy a full facial massage working the meridian points, lymph drainage, circulation & muscle tone. We work with the full face, the ears, scalp, head & neck. Soothing equal strokes will help balance the body and minds physical & emotionally energies. Enjoy letting the body rest as you are guided through face massage with assisted stretches for the neck and shoulders. Dien Chan (facial reflexology) points are also balanced with gentle compression. £35 - 40 minutes hour + Additional tuning fork & Tibetan moon bowl healing can be added separately 1 hour - £45 Full healing package: You can indulge in a full experience of sound & massage within a combined session. These are wonderful to help balance physical and emotional chapters of life, working with a personal consultation before hand the session is tailored for your individual needs. 2 hours - £100.

If you have a few spare minutes or feel called to write a little heart felt essay it would be lovely to hear from you. Your feedback means the world to me and can help improve my offerings and also help me know how you feel coming to practice. If you would like to leave a review please click the link below, your feedback could be that little spark that could inspire someone to try yoga, to nudge someone in the right direction and helps to build our Wildlove family! Your input creates a ripple effect and inspires others to begin their self care journey, connecting us all as one, you're not a drop in the ocean, you're the ocean in one drop!

Thank you for being here, for connecting with me, for reading, for listening, for moving with me, for laughing, for sharing and for being a part of the Wildlove family. Allow my connection to you to be a reminder that you can be beautifully human anytime and that when you attend my classes you are accepted and held just as you are. Thank you for your ongoing love and support, You are loved, V x www.wildloveyoga.com